Message from the Founding Committee

Mr Tuyen Nguyen – Founder / Chairman of the Board

Ladies and gentlemen,

Three quarters of a century ago, in the letter to all students of our country on the first school day after winning our independence, President Ho Chi Minh wrote: “Whether our Vietnam becomes beautiful or not, whether Vietnamese people make it to the hall of glory, to stand side by side with strong and great countries of all the five continents or not, it depends tremendously on your studying.” Thus, He expressed an aspiration for a strong and developed Vietnam, together with other big names. At the same time, he clearly stated that it could only be achieved through the education and learning of the young generation.

Since then, our country has made a very long step forward, the living conditions and people education standard have risen up significantly. But still, the prospect of a strong Vietnam is yet to be realized. So what do we need to do to make that dream come true?

Not long ago, in the launching ceremony of the EMASI schools, we expressed a dream, that our Vietnam would be as prosperous as other developed countries. That dream seemed to be too ambitious and ways to far to reality. In fact, it will be extremely practical and attainable in the near future once we can identify the right path : To invest in the education of our young generation, as it was affirmed by President Ho Chi Minh, a great man with a great vision. We believe that, as long as we do it well, do it seriously, and do it for real not fake, only one generation who will be equipped with all necessary skills, especially critical thinking, foreign languages, and Information Technology, who will be strong, physically and mentally, who will have the knowledge and the ethics, who understand philosophy and art, this generation will be the stepping stone to help following generations advance, build up happiness and prosperity for every family ; they will be a the catalyst to boost up the economy, the nuclear to develop science and technology, the resource to upgrade military defense, thus bringing the country to the next level.

It is very encouraging and happy that our dream have been shared, supported and responded by you all and the whole community. Together we all agreed that: we had to turn our dream into action. We have promised : we would, together, build the best education environment for more and more Vietnamese children.

Today, our promise is starting to come true, with the opening of the very first two avant-garde schools. As the American educator, philosopher and political theorist of the twentieth century – Hannah Arendt had it that : “Promises are uniquely human ways of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that is humanly possible.” This is absolutely true. Let’s together order our future, by the promise and the action to make it come true, from now, beginning today, by creating the best education environments for our future generation.

There will be a great deal of things we need to work on together, so that the best education models can be shared and spread out more and more. In front of us, there is still a long road ahead with lots of difficulties and challenges, but it will be an exciting journey, full of happiness and pride. Because we are assured that this path will lead us to the very destination of our passion and our dream : a prosperous Vietnam, stepping up to the hall of glory, proudly standing side by side with other developed countries in the world.

Dr Huynh Cong Minh – Chair of Founding Committee / Superintendent

Ladies and gentlemen and students!

The educational philosophy of EMASI schools is Humanity, Patriotism, Liberalism. The direction of all schools’ pedagogical activities is respecting  people, perfecting people with all human values; improving their patriotism, constantly promoting the traditional values ​​of the nation and the capacity to preserve and protect the living environment of the community and humanity; promoting and developing all the talents of the young generation, providing  students with the skills to adapt to the transformation of the eras, mastering science and technology, good communication, and problem-solving skills and a strong sense of creativity. The core attributes of the community that EMASI trains are Love and Compassion, Care and Service, Fair and Just with a positive, committed, progressive attitude and the necessary living aptitudes including logical thinking, criticism, sophistication in life, in communication and a fit physique.

We express the  EMASI brand through the best implementation of the Vietnamese Programme issued by the Ministry of Education and Training with international teaching methods and teaching equipment on par with the level of the region and the world. Taking foreign languages, mathematics, arts, sciences and information technology as the initiatives in developing talents and learning methods for students to actively learn and practice in modern education environment, we help them acquire good self-study methods, which will surpass examination-oriented methods and knowledge. At the same time, the school values the importance of artistic and aesthetic elements in life. Art gives people creativity, sophistication, happiness and pride. Art is also the power to fight and isolate evil!

The investors and founders of the EMASI brand have been very focused and attentive in building a beautiful school because they believe that the facilities and technology of the school must meet the requirements of its philosophy and educational content. The schools were never designed to be sloppy, sketchy with a for profit purpose!  This beauty is a prominent feature of EMASI, the pride, the will of the teachers and the students, and a sustainable source for development and a strong vitality for good teaching and learning activities of teachers and students.

The aim of EMASI is to contribute to the shared voice of the country’s education and training community through revitalization, innovation and international integration. Further, we must make students eager to study, learn with using new methods and think independently.

Learning should be for understanding, for the happy life of themselves, their family and community, not just to pass the examination. EMASI’s activities are closely linked to the lively life of the society and local areas. EMASI teachers and students must themselves be positive factors in preserving the environment, preventing plastic waste, fighting against counterfeiting, traffic safety, building smart cities and developing a good quality of life, etc.

EMASI’s activities will also promote international exchanges. EMASI students will be present in important international scientific and technical examinations, expand their vision to the world, cultivate foreign languages ​​and adapt to the global lifestyle of the era.

Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and students!

Announcing the philosophy, mission, aims and vision of EMASI in the solemn atmosphere of the school today is a call for the enthusiasm of the whole school team and a profound commitment from the depth of our hearts to all local government and industry leaders and all parents who sent their child to EMASI.

We sincerely hope that leaders at all levels continue to care and support and make conditions for the schools to develop and contribute; I hope parents will continue to corporate in the students’ learning journey for them to achieve the best results expected.

We wish you good health and success!

Mr Peter Gittins – Chief Education Officer

It is with a great deal of pride that I stand before you today to celebrate the opening of EMASI Nam Long and, a short time later, the opening of EMASI Van Phuc.  This is an incredible achievement and sets the stage for the next chapter in private education in Vietnam.

The process of getting to this point has been an exciting one with many highs and of course some lows but due credit must be given to the vision of the Board who identified the need for a group quality international bilingual schools that would cater to the needs of a rapidly growing middle class seeking a quality education at an affordable price. Such an education, it was envisaged, would also provide a pathway into Vietnamese universities as well as offering the chance to study in international colleges and universities particularly those in the United States.

Whilst the model of a bilingual education that combines the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Training with an international programme component is not new – but at EMASI we have clearly articulated a focus on five key areas-

  • THE ARTS – Creative, Visual and Performing

and by so doing created our own unique version of a STEAM education.

In addition we have placed a strong focus on Sport taught as part of the PE programme and enhanced by our Extra Curricular offerings where students are required to participate in three sport based activities every week. This commitment is further supported by inter-house and inter-school competitions in a variety of sports.

At EMASI individual subjects are not taught in isolation but are delivered as one part of a wider whole in outstanding facilities and by carefully selected, well trained and highly competent teachers. Essential to note is the interconnectivity between and across subjects and an acknowledgement that students learn better when they are able to make meaningful connections. This holistic approach has at its core a commitment to student welfare and student well-being and to simply ensuring the best for all.

The importance of a mission and clear vision are integral features of an EMASI school and we are committed to providing an outstanding education delivered in Vietnamese and English and, in the process, emphasizing traditional Vietnamese values, personal and academic excellence and to fostering respect and independent learning.

What I think important to stress about EMASI is the underpinning belief that we must be true to what we say and deliver what we promise. Quite clearly this strong sense of purpose is an integral part of the EMASI fabric and will be reflected in day to day practice across all our schools.

I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome all students and ask that you dedicate yourself to your studies – always striving for the best –  be respectful not only of your peers but of the planet, work to the best of your ability with a can do attitude and in the process strive for perfection. Finally stay true to your culture at the same time as appreciating that you are a member of an interconnected international community that will need your skills to make our planet a far better place for you, your children and your grandchildren.

So I dare you to dream, dare you to think big knowing that with dreams and ambitions comes success – and sometimes failure. In line with the thoughts of the actress Josie Bisset – “Dreams come a size too big so that we can grow into them” or as Eleanor Roosvellt so profoundly remarked – “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.

Understand, also, that an EMASI education will leave you well prepared for the challenges of the future. You will be confident, assured, articulate, great communicators, problem solvers and risk takers but above all caring and compassionate global citizens proficient in at least two languages, proud of your country, its culture and its rich traditions.

Time must cut me short so, in closing, I would like to congratulate the Board of Directors on this significant achievement, again welcome our distinguished guests, thank our Principals and International Programme Director, our Senior Group Managers and their teams for their individual and collective efforts which have been quite remarkable really and thank you the parents for your belief in us as we strive to become the best international school group in Vietnam.

My best to you all.

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